ZA/UM Announces Project [C4], Espionage RPG with Some of That Disco Elysium Magic

One last dance on the remains of your humanity.ZA/UM, the development studio behind the sublime CRPG Disco Elysium, has revealed its next game. It's seemingly called Project , at least for now. Despite this scribe's self-professed allegiance to the writers of Disco (in particular, anything Robert Kurtvitz touches) and not the studio itself (following years of factional infighting), there is more than enough here to demand the attention of fans of that excellent game.Project is an "espionage RPG with significant psychological elements". Players take on the role of "Operants" in service to a global superpower, taking on clandestine missions in order to uncover secrets and gain influence, risking death and exposure in the process (thanks, Shinobi602). Of course, gameplay will revolve around extremely tense dice rolls and heavy dialogue choices, and ZA/UM wants players to inhale "the stench of failure".Read the full article on


ZA/UM, the development studio behind the sublime CRPG Disco Elysium , has revealed its next game. It's seemingly called Project [C4] , at least for now. Despite this scribe's self-professed allegiance to the writers of Disco (in particular, anything Robert Kurtvitz touches) and not the studio itself (following years of factional infighting ), there is more than enough here to demand the attention of fans of that excellent game.

Project [C4] is an "espionage RPG with significant psychological elements". Players take on the role of "Operants" in service to a global superpower, taking on clandestine missions in order to uncover secrets and gain influence, risking death and exposure in the process (thanks, Shinobi602 ). Of course, gameplay will revolve around extremely tense dice rolls and heavy dialogue choices, and ZA/UM wants players to inhale "the stench of failure".

Intriguingly, drug use will be a core tenant of the game, and players can use psychoactive substances to erase or alter violent events affecting the real world. Inspired by the clandestine works of spy thrillers, this is not the "glamorous world of James Bond", inspired by works like Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy and Old Boy..