Your personal finance questions – Will home insurance cover damage after the water tank burst while we were away?

Q We came back from a week away in the sun to find that the water tank had burst in our home and caused substantial damage to the entire property. Will our home insurance cover the repair bill?


Whether home insurance will cover the cost of repairing damage caused by a burst water tank depends on the specifics of the policy. Photo: Getty Q We came back from a week away in the sun to find that the water tank had burst in our home and caused substantial damage to the entire property. Will our home insurance cover the repair bill? A Whether your home insurance covers the repair bill for damage caused by a burst water tank largely hinges on the specifics outlined in your policy, said Geraldine Kelly, head of operations, personal lines, at broker Gallagher.

Typically, standard home insurance policies do provide cover for such incidents, including damage to the property and contents. Join the Irish Independent WhatsApp channel Stay up to date with all the latest news.