You have the vision of a sniper if you can find snake in the grass in 60 seconds

A brainteaser challenging people to find a snake hiding among gravel and stones has left people scratching their heads as only those with sniper vision will see it


A brainteaser challenging people to find a snake hiding among gravel and stones has left people scratching their heads as only those with sniper vision will see it Get the latest top news stories sent straight to your inbox with our daily newsletter We have more newsletters Get the latest top news stories sent straight to your inbox with our daily newsletter We have more newsletters Your brain, just like your body, requires regular exercise to stay in tip-top condition. Working out your mind is said to boost cognitive performance and memory while enhancing concentration and attention levels. Research from the National Library of Medicine supports this, indicating brainteaser games "positively influence the central nervous system and activate stress path, leading to changes in brain signals and subsequently improved cognitive elements, such as attention among players".

Puzzle enthusiasts often engage with various brainteasers to keep their minds sharp, and incorporating an element of speed could raise the stakes, offering even further mental benefits. Plus, there's always fun to be had with a bit of friendly competitive spirit when taking on challenges with mates. Read more: You have 20/20 vision if you can spot four-leaf clover in just 30 seconds Now, one particularly tricky brainteaser has people scratching their heads.

Within the image below, hidden amidst loose stones and slabs of slate, is a camouflaged snake that only the keen-eyed will be able to spot. Originally posted on Reddit, this image has left many baffled, trying tirelessly to spot the snake amid the natural camouflage of shrubbery and rocks. A rare few have triumphed, yet it seems that only those with the sharpest eyes succeed.

For anyone up for the challenge, grab a stopwatch and see how quickly you can find the snake but consider yourself warned, it's quite a formidable task! People were swift to express their astonishment at the difficulty in locating the serpent. One commenter inquired from the individual who snapped the photograph: "Did you hear it or see it first? " Their response was: "Heard it. Slithered across the trail.

" For those still on the hunt for the snake, halt your search as we're about to reveal where it is hidden. A user on Reddit said: "Spent way too much time looking at the open rocks and not enough in the foliage, assuming the bloody nope rope is stretched out near that bright green leaf dead centre." Have you managed to spot the snake? Drop a comment below and tell us.

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