With 38% ownership, R. STAHL AG (ETR:RSL2) insiders have a lot at stake

Key Insights R. STAHL's significant insider ownership suggests inherent interests in company's expansion The top 3...


Key Insights R. STAHL's significant insider ownership suggests inherent interests in company's expansion The top 3 shareholders own 59% of the company A look at the shareholders of R. STAHL AG ( ) can tell us which group is most powerful.

With 38% stake, individual insiders possess the maximum shares in the company. In other words, the group stands to gain the most (or lose the most) from their investment into the company. So, insiders of R.

STAHL have a lot at stake and every decision they make on the company’s future is important to them from a financial point of view. Let's take a closer look to see what the different types of shareholders can tell us about R. STAHL.

Institutions typically measure themselves against a benchmark when reporting to their own investors, so they often become more enthusiastic about a stock once it's included in a major index. We would expect most companies to have some institutions on the register, especially if they are growing. As you can see, institutional investors have a fair amount of stake in R.

STAHL. This implies the analysts working for those institutions have looked at the stock and they like it. But just like anyone else, they could be wrong.

It is not uncommon to see a big share price drop if two large institutional investors try to sell out of a stock at the same time. So it is worth checking the past earnings trajectory of R. STAHL, (below).

Of course, keep in mind that there are other factors to consider, too. R. STAHL is not owned by hedge funds.

From our data, we infer that the largest shareholder is Hans-Volker Stahl (who also holds the title of Other Key Executive) with 35% of shares outstanding. Its usually considered a good sign when insiders own a significant number of shares in the company, and in this case, we're glad to see a company insider play the role of a key stakeholder. RAG Foundation, Endowment Arm is the second largest shareholder owning 14% of common stock, and Baden-Württembergische Versorgungsanstalt für Ärzte, Zahnärzte und Tierärzte holds about 10.

0% of the company stock. After doing some more digging, we found that the top 3 shareholders collectively control more than half of the company's shares, implying that they have considerable power to influence the company's decisions. While studying institutional ownership for a company can add value to your research, it is also a good practice to research analyst recommendations to get a deeper understand of a stock's expected performance.

There is a little analyst coverage of the stock, but not much. So there is room for it to gain more coverage. The definition of an insider can differ slightly between different countries, but members of the board of directors always count.

The company management answer to the board and the latter should represent the interests of shareholders. Notably, sometimes top-level managers are on the board themselves. Most consider insider ownership a positive because it can indicate the board is well aligned with other shareholders.

However, on some occasions too much power is concentrated within this group. It seems insiders own a significant proportion of R. STAHL AG.

Insiders own €45m worth of shares in the €118m company. This may suggest that the founders still own a lot of shares. You can The general public, who are usually individual investors, hold a 26% stake in R.

STAHL. This size of ownership, while considerable, may not be enough to change company policy if the decision is not in sync with other large shareholders. It's always worth thinking about the different groups who own shares in a company.

But to understand R. STAHL better, we need to consider many other factors. For instance, we've identified that you should be aware of.

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