Winston Peters claims Parliament in ‘state of decay’, takes issue with Te Pāti Māori MP Takuta Ferris

There were a number of fiery exchanges in the House.


New Zealand First leader Winston Peters has claimed Parliament is in a “state of decay”, taking issue with what he believes is a sharp decline in standards . Peters and his colleague Shane Jones were irked by a speech by Te Pāti Māori MP Takuta Ferris . They took issue with Ferris both using a laptop while delivering his general debate remarks and with the MP allegedly suggesting some in the House are “masters” of lying.

The speech led to a series of fiery exchanges, with Speaker Gerry Brownlee at one point saying Ferris was not keeping with the “tikanga” of the House. In his speech, Ferris was critical of the direction the Government was stewarding New Zealand. He took particular issue with its approach to constitutional matters.

Te Pāti Māori has opposed the Government’s Treaty Principles Bill proposal and other policies relating to Māori..