Will Boys Vanish in the Future? Science Alert Warns of Diminishing Y Chromosome Risk | Health Live

A report from Science Alert raises concerns about the potential future disappearance of boys, suggesting that the Y chromosome in males is gradually diminishing. This genetic shift could pose a risk to humanity’s future. While the complete disappearance of the Y chromosome might take millions of years, its ongoing decline could threaten human survival if a replacement gene is not developed. The report highlights the urgent need for scientific advancements to address this genetic challenge and ensure the continuation of the human species. If the trend continues without intervention, it may lead to significant implications for the future of human reproduction and existence on Earth.


A report from Science Alert raises concerns about the potential future disappearance of boys, suggesting that the Y chromosome in males is gradually diminishing. This genetic shift could pose a risk to humanity’s future. While the complete disappearance of the Y chromosome might take millions of years, its ongoing decline could threaten human survival if a replacement gene is not developed.

The report highlights the urgent need for scientific advancements to address this genetic challenge and ensure the continuation of the human species. If the trend continues without intervention, it may lead to significant implications for the future of human reproduction and existence on Earth..