NEW DELHI: The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) on Sunday released a video mocking the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) for not declaring a chief ministerial candidate ahead of the upcoming Delhi Assembly elections. The video, shared by AAP on its official X handle, features a horse dressed in wedding attire, accompanied by the caption, "BJP people, who is your groom?" The video mocks the BJP for its failure to announce a candidate for the top post in Delhi, with the transcript reading: "Who is the groom in this disaster? Is this the horse without a groom? Is this BJP's? Hey BJP people, at least tell us the name of your groom!" ("Aapda mein BJP dulha kaun? Are ye Bina dulhe ka ghoda iska hai? BJP ka hai ka? re BJ walo, Apne Dulhe ka naam toh btaao ji? ") The move comes amid rising political tensions between the AAP and BJP, with both parties exchanging sharp criticisms ahead of the elections. Earlier this week, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and AAP leader Arvind Kejriwal engaged in a war of words regarding governance in the national capital.
Kejriwal had fired back at Modi's remarks about the AAP government, accusing the BJP of failing to deliver on promises, particularly regarding housing for the poor. In a press conference, Kejriwal said, “In 2015, the people of Delhi chose two governments—BJP at the Centre and AAP in Delhi. It has been 10 years now.
If you ask me to list what the AAP government has accomplished in these 10 years, even 2-3 hours would not be sufficient.” Kejriwal also took aim at Modi’s criticism of AAP’s governance, specifically addressing the PM’s “sheesh mahal” remark about his official residence. Kejriwal defended the renovation of the residence, stating it was meant for all future Delhi CMs, not just him.
The BJP has been attacking Kejriwal for allegedly spending large sums on his official residence while criticizing his government’s performance in sectors like education and housing. Meanwhile, PM Modi, during the inauguration of various development projects in Delhi, again called AAP a "disaster" and called for its defeat in the upcoming elections. Modi also referenced his own achievements in providing housing for the poor and pointed out the disparity with AAP's record.
He accused the Delhi government of corruption in areas such as the liquor policy, recruitment, and pollution control. The ongoing war of words between AAP and BJP is intensifying as Delhi heads toward the assembly elections, with both parties vying for control in the city..
'Who is your groom?': AAP counters BJP's 'aapda' dig with 'no CM face' jab ahead of Delhi polls, watch video
AAP released a video taunting the BJP for not announcing its chief ministerial candidate ahead of Delhi Assembly elections, increasing political tensions. Kejriwal criticized Modi for unfulfilled promises and defended his governance, while Modi attacked AAP's performance, accusing them of corruption and poor management in various sectors.