When nothing works

As a reader of this column, you are striving to improve your life. You want to attain your goals and bring your dreams into reality. You want to break through your self-imposed limitations. So you follow all of the advice...


As a reader of this column, you are striving to improve your life. You want to attain your goals and bring your dreams into reality. You want to break through your self-imposed limitations.

So you follow all of the advice in this column. But you think nothing is working. You are doing all the right things.

Your attitude is positive. You are motivated. You have specific goals and a plan to reach them.

You are taking action. Yet, still you feel as if you are not making the progress you had hoped for. Perhaps you are frustrated, discouraged and disheartened.

You see others who are successful and wonder why you can't make things work. You start to doubt yourself and wonder if your goals are unobtainable. Have faith.

Even if you have not yet seen results, you have put things into motion. It's only the timeframe that causes frustration because it is unknown. Never give up hope.

Besides, what is the alternative? To do nothing or give up hope? If you regress to inaction, it's guaranteed that you will not get the results you seek. Major goals are not realized overnight with one simple step. The distance you have to travel on the road to success is not known.

But you will never arrive if you lie down along the side or turn around and go back to where you started. With each step you take you make progress. Your journey is filled with many benefits.

On your way to the big goals, you are improving your life in numerous smaller, but no less significant, ways. You are getting rid of your mental garbage. Clearing out your mind enables you to intensify your focus.

Squeezing the most out of each day becomes easier. Prioritizing how you spend your time increases your productivity. Your ability to get through tough times improves.

Every road to success is filled with obstacles, challenges and adversity. Only those who become adept at dealing with whatever lies ahead maintain their forward motion. You are learning how to deal with conflict and to manage stress.

Controlling your thoughts becomes more of a habit. It is your thoughts that attract what you want. By keeping your mind on your destination, you avoid becoming a magnet for undesirable situations.

You develop immunity to what others say, think or do. On your journey you will encounter many who seek to discourage you. Regardless of their motivation, you must ignore the naysayers.

Your future is in your hands, not theirs. Rather than being consumed by the past or apprehensive of the future, you are living in the present. The past is over.

The action you take today determines your future. Worry is useless. By increasing the belief in yourself, you are overcoming fear of failure and becoming more self-reliant.

Within you lies more potential than you realize. You have a very deep well to tap into when the going gets tough. Clearly, the journey to success is fueled by your self-development.

We experience frustration when we focus on our destination without appreciating our growth along the way. So when you feel nothing is working, give yourself encouragement by recognizing the progress you are making. Don't loose faith in your efforts.

You don't know how long your quest will take. The reason more people fail than succeed is because so many get frustrated and give up short of attaining their goals. Just keep going and you will succeed.

NOW AVAILABLE: "Dare to Live Without Limits," the book. Visit www.BryanGolden.

com or your bookstore. Bryan Golden is a management consultant, motivational speaker, author, and adjunct professor. E-mail Bryan at bryan@columnist.

com or write him c/o this paper..