WhatsApp is stepping up its fight against misinformation with a new reverse image search feature, now available for WhatsApp Web Beta users. All these features were made for Google and allow users to determine whether a picture they receive on the platform is manipulated or misleading in context. This part will help the users detect fake content with ease.
How Reverse Image Search Works Reverse image search as an integrated part of WhatsApp. It makes it easier to search images without downloading pictures. Click search image on the web to upload an image to Google's reverse image search engine.
This process happens only with the user's consent. The search is done through the user's default browser, so WhatsApp will not have access to the image data. Google will handle the whole search, therefore not compromising on user privacy.
More Features for iOS This is part of WhatsApp's plan to improve user security and experience. The new app version 24.25.
93 is, recently rolled out on iOS, packed with AR effects for video calls and photos. It comes with fun things like punishment effects, starry windows, and underwater views, accessible via the image wand icon in the camera. New features include documenting new scans with colour, grayscale, black-and-white filters, and an auto shutter for easier scanning.
With these advancements, WhatsApp continues prioritising user security and convenience, offering tools that address misinformation while enhancing communication experiences..
WhatsApp Web Introduces Reverse Image Search to Combat Misinformation
WhatsApp partners with Google to launch reverse image search, helping users identify manipulated images and fight misinformation effectively.