What time do the polls open? Strict rules around when you can vote in General Election

Polling stations across the country will all open at the same time today to allow millions of voters to take part in the UK general election


After six long, gruelling weeks of election campaigning, the day of the UK General Election is finally here. By this time tomorrow, we will know who will be the next Prime Minister to take up residence in 10 Downing Street. Will it be incumbent PM Rishi Sunak , leader of the Conservative Party ? Or Keir Starmer , leader of the Opposition since early 2020 and current Labour leader? The result is still hours away, but for now, millions of people across the country will be gearing up to put their X in the box of their favoured candidate.

Here's everything you need to know about the opening hours of your polling station. Polling stations across the UK will open simultaneously at 7am. Your poll card will tell you which polling station to head to, and should give you the address and a map to show you where it's located.

If you don't have a poll card, you can enter your postcode online to find out which polling station to go to. You cannot vote at a different polling station than the one you're assigned to. When you get there, you will give your name, address and show your photo ID to the staff inside the polling station, and they will cross-reference your registered details with their records.

They will give you a ballot paper to take to the nearby booths, where you'll put a single cross in the empty box next to your chosen candidate using the pencil provided. When you've voted, you will fold your paper over and post it through the sealed ballot box. Polling stations will close at .