Dyslexia is a neurological disorder which gained significant attention in India after Aamir Khan's movie 'Taare Zameen Par", In an interview, Junaid Khan revealed that his parents learnt about his condition while reading the script of the movie, Updated: January 6, 2025 1:20 PM IST By In an exclusive interview with Vickey Lalwani, Junaid revealed that he was diagnosed with this condition when he was 6 years old. His parents, Aamir Khan and Reena Dutta learnt about his condition while they were reading the scipt of Taare Zameen Par. What is Dyslexia? Symptoms of Dyslexia Is There a Cure for Dyslexia? Aamir Khan’s Role and Junaid Khan’s Journey with Dyslexia Conclusion For breaking news and live news updates, like us on or follow us on and .
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What is dyslexia, the condition Aamir Khan’s son Junaid Khan was diagnosed with?
Dyslexia is a neurological disorder which gained significant attention in India after Aamir Khan's movie 'Taare Zameen Par", In an interview, Junaid Khan revealed that his parents learnt about his condition while reading the script of the movie,