What drinking too much beer does to your sex life

Excessive drinking damages your sex life and, sometimes, can even ruin relationships.


Excessive beer drinking is the enemy of a healthy sex life and, sometimes, can even ruin relationships. Two medical experts (and a couple of football fans) explain how and why. The football season is back and, for many fans, that means the welcome return of matchday boozing.

As a football fan and former boozer myself, I know how much fun beers before, during, and after the game can seem. But I also know the disastrous effect those sorts of sessions could have on other stuff, including my sex life . What woman (or man) wants to hit the sack with a bleary eyed, incoherent dope who has just come home from the match with a belly full of Stella Artois? And what drunken football fan is capable of performing in bed anyway, even if they do get the opportunity? I don’t remember too many details about my boozing days but I do remember that my sex life was a big part of the collateral damage .

A new report by online pharmacist MedExpress confirms this widely experienced, but rarely discussed, side effect of beer-sodden football fandom: 45% of supporters believe drinking culture is affecting their sex life . While sobriety is increasingly popular in wider society, this is not the case among football fans..