Wellington co-working office space company Digital Nomad in liquidation

Digital Nomad operates in nine locations in the Wellington CBD.


Wellington co-working office space company Digital Nomad has gone into liquidation. Digital Nomad provides boutique high-quality co-working at nine locations around the Wellington CBD. Iain Shephard and Jessica Kellow of BDO Wellington were appointed liquidators of Digital Nomad Limited, Digital Nomad Eva Limited, Digital Nomad 330 Lambton Quay Limited and Digital Nomad 76 Willis Street Limited on September 13.

Digital Nomad was incorporated in May 2017, followed by Digital Nomad Eva in August 2020, Digital Nomad 76 Willis Street in August 21 and Digital Nomad 330 Lambton Quay in October 2021. Vaughan Wilson is the sole director of all four companies, according to the Companies Office..