Weekly Forecast, September 13, 2024: Treasury Yield Declines Continue


technotr/E+ via Getty Images As explained in Prof. Robert Jarrow's book cited below, forward rates contain a risk premium above and beyond the market's expectations for the 3-month forward rate. We document the size of that risk premium in this graph, which shows the zero-coupon yield curve implied by current Treasury prices compared with the annualized compounded yield on 3-month Treasury bills that market participants would expect based on the daily movement of government bond yields in 14 countries since 1962.

The risk premium, the reward for a long-term investment, is large and widens over most of the 30-year maturity range. The graph also shows a sharp downward shift in expected yields in the first few years, then the decline continues at a slow but steady pace for the full 30 years. We explain the details below.

SAS Software Inc. For more on this topic, see the analysis of government bond yields in 14 countries through August 31, 2024, given in the appendix. Inverted Yields, Negative Rates, and U.

S. Treasury Probabilities 10 Years Forward The negative 2-year/10-year Treasury spread ended on August 26 after 537 trading days. The spread is currently at 9 basis points, widening 3 basis points from last week.

The table below shows that the August 26, 2024 streak of inverted yield curves is the longest in the U.S. Treasury market since the 2-year Treasury yield was first reported on June 1, 1976.

The second-longest streak is 423 trading days starting on August 18, 1978. SAS Software Inc. In this week's forecast, the focus is on three elements of interest rate behavior: the future probability of the recession-predicting inverted yield curve, the probability of negative rates, and the probability distribution of U.

S. Treasury yields over the next decade. We start from the closing U.

S. Treasury yield curve, published daily by the U.S.

Department of the Treasury. Using a maximum smoothness forward rate approach, Friday's implied forward rate curve shows 1-month forward rates at an initial peak of 5.10%, versus 5.

24% last week. After the initial rise, there is a decline and brief rise until rates peak again at 4.79%, compared to 4.

92% the previous week. Forward rates stabilize at 3.33% at the 30-year horizon, versus 3.

29% last week. SAS Software Inc. Using the methodology outlined in the appendix, we simulate 100,000 future paths for the U.

S. Treasury yield curve out to thirty years. The next three sections summarize our conclusions from that simulation.

Inverted Treasury Yields: Positive Now, 20.2% Probability by September 1, 2034 A large number of economists have concluded that a downward sloping U.S.

Treasury yield curve is an important indicator of future recessions. A recent example is this paper by Alex Domash and Lawrence H. Summers .

We measure the probability that the 10-year par coupon Treasury yield is lower than the 2-year par coupon Treasury for every scenario in each of the first 40 quarterly periods in the simulation. [1] The next graph shows that the probability of an inverted yield now peaks at 20.2%, compared to 23.

3% one week before, in the 91-day period ending September 1, 2034. SAS Software Inc. Negative Treasury Bill Yields: 12.

1% Probability by September 2, 2033 The next graph describes the probability of negative 3-month Treasury bill rates for all but the first 3 months of the next 3 decades. The probability of negative rates starts near zero and then peaks at 12.1%, compared to 12.

3% one week earlier, in the 91-day period ending September 2, 2033. SAS Software Inc. Calculating the Default Risk from Interest Rate Maturity Mismatches In light of the interest-rate-risk-driven failure of Silicon Valley Bank on March 10, 2023, we have added a table that applies equally well to banks, institutional investor, and individual investor mismatches from buying long-term Treasury bonds with borrowed short-term funds.

We assume that the sole asset is a 10-year Treasury bond purchased at time zero at par value of $100. We analyze default risk for four different initial market value of equity to market value of asset ratios: 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%. For the banking example, we assume that the only class of liabilities is deposits that can be withdrawn at par at any time.

In the institutional and retail investor case, we assume that the liability is essentially a borrowing on margin/repurchase agreement with the possibility of margin calls. For all investors, the amount of liabilities (95, 90, 85 or 80) represents a "strike price" on a put option held by the liability holders. Failure occurs via a margin call, bank run, or regulatory take-over (in the banking case) when the value of assets falls below the value of liabilities.

The graph below shows the cumulative 10-year probabilities of failure for each of the 4 possible capital ratios when the asset's maturity is 10 years. For the 5 percent case, that default probability is 44.95%, compared to 45.

00% from last week. SAS Software Inc. This default probability analysis is updated weekly based on the U.

S. Treasury yield simulation described in the next section. The calculation process is the same for any portfolio of assets with credit risk included.

U.S. Treasury Probabilities 10 Years Forward In this section, the focus turns to the decade ahead.

This week's simulation shows that the most likely range for the 3-month U.S. Treasury bill yield in ten years is from 0% to 1%, unchanged from last week.

There is a 25.28% probability that the 3-month yield falls in this range, a change from 24.85% one week before.

For the 10-year Treasury yield, the most likely range is from 2% to 3%, also unchanged from last week. The probability of being in this range is 22.61%, compared to 22.

50% one week prior. In a recent post on Seeking Alpha , we pointed out that a forecast of "heads" or "tails" in a coin flip leaves out critical information. What a sophisticated bettor needs to know is that, on average for a fair coin, the probability of heads is 50%.

A forecast that the next coin flip will be "heads" is literally worth nothing to investors because the outcome is purely random. The same is true for interest rates. In this section, we present the detailed probability distribution for both the 3-month Treasury bill rate and the 10-year U.

S. Treasury yield 10 years forward using semi-annual time steps. [2] We present the probability of where rates will be at each time step in 1 percent "rate buckets.

" The forecast for 3-month Treasury yields is shown in this graph: SAS Software Inc. 3-Month U.S.

Treasury Yield Data: SAS3month20240913.xlsx The probability that the 3-month Treasury bill yield will be between 1% and 2% in 2 years is shown in column 4: 30.96%.

The probability that the 3-month Treasury bill yield will be negative (as it has been often in Europe and Japan) in 2 years is 2.84% plus 0.10% plus 0.

00% = 2.94% (difference due to rounding). Cells shaded in blue represent positive probabilities of occurring, but the probability has been rounded to the nearest 0.

01%. The shading scheme works like this: Dark blue: the probability is greater than 0% but less than 1% Light blue: the probability is greater than or equal to 1% and less than 5% Light yellow: the probability is greater than or equal to 5% and 10% Medium yellow: the probability is greater than or equal to 10% and less than 20% Orange: the probability is greater than or equal to 20% and less than 25% Red: the probability is greater than 25% The chart below shows the same probabilities for the 10-year U.S.

Treasury yield derived as part of the same simulation. SAS Software Inc. 10-Year US Treasury Yield Data: SAS10yearUST20240913.

xlsx Appendix: Treasury Simulation Methodology The probabilities are derived using the same methodology that SAS Institute Inc. recommends to its KRIS® and Kamakura Risk Manager® clients. A moderately technical explanation is given later in the appendix, but we summarize it in plain English first.

Step 1: We take the closing U.S. Treasury yield curve as our starting point.

Step 2: We use the number of points on the yield curve that best explains historical yield curve shifts. Using daily government bond yield data from 14 countries from 1962 through August 31, 2024, we conclude that 12 "factors" drive almost all movements of government bond yields. The countries on which the analysis is based are Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, New Zealand.

Russia, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America. No data from Russia is included after January 2022. Step 3: We measure the volatility of changes in those factors and how volatility has changed over the same period.

Step 4: Using those measured volatilities, we generate 100,000 random shocks at each time step and derive the resulting yield curve. Step 5: We "validate" the model to make sure that the simulation EXACTLY prices the starting Treasury curve and that it fits history as well as possible. The methodology for doing this is described below.

Step 6: We take all 100,000 simulated yield curves and calculate the probabilities that yields fall in each of the 1% "buckets" displayed in the graph. Do Treasury Yields Accurately Reflect Expected Future Inflation? We showed in a recent post on Seeking Alpha that, on average, investors have almost always done better by buying long-term bonds than by rolling over short-term Treasury bills. That means that market participants have generally (but not always) been accurate in forecasting future inflation and adding a risk premium to that forecast.

The distribution above helps investors estimate the probability of success from going long. Finally, as mentioned weekly in the Corporate Bond Investor Friday overview, the future expenses (both the amount and the timing) that all investors are trying to cover with their investments are an important part of investment strategy. The author follows his own advice: cover the short-term cash needs first, and then step out to cover more distant cash needs as savings and investment returns accumulate.

Technical Details Daily government bond yields from the 14 countries listed above form the base historical data for fitting the number of yield curve factors and their volatility. The U.S.

historical data is provided by the U.S. Department of the Treasury .

The use of the international bond data increases the number of observations to more than 107,000 and provides a more complete range of experience with both high rates and negative rates than a U.S. data set alone provides.

The modeling process was published in a very important paper by David Heath, Robert Jarrow and Andrew Morton in 1992: Econometrica For technically inclined readers, we recommend Prof. Jarrow's book Modeling Fixed Income Securities and Interest Rate Options for those who want to know exactly how the "HJM" model construction works. The number of factors, 12 for the 14-country model, has been stable since June 30, 2017.

The volatilities for each factor are updated monthly. Footnotes: [1] After the first 20 years in the simulation, the 10-year Treasury cannot be derived from the initial 30 years of Treasury yields. [2] The full simulation uses 91-day time steps for 30 years forward.

This note summarizes just the first 10 years of the full simulation. For a daily ranking of the best risk-adjusted value of corporate bonds traded in the U.S.

market, please check out a free trial of The Corporate Bond Investor. Subscribers are actively arbitraging 162-year-old legacy credit ratings using modern big data default probabilities from Kamakura Corporation. Remember, the Pony Express and credit ratings were both invented in 1860.

Are you still using the Pony Express? Subscribers to the Corporate Bond Investor learn how to 1. Calculate a forward looking assessment of the investor's cash needs 2. Rank bonds from best to worst by the reward-to-risk ratio Dr.

Donald R. van Deventer has been in the risk management business since completing his Ph.D.

in Business Economics at Harvard University in 1977. He founded the Kamakura Corporation in 1990 after 13 years with two of the 10 largest banks in the US and a stint as investment banker in Tokyo. He joined SAS Institute Inc.

as co-head, of the Center for Applied Quantitative Finance in 2022 when SAS acquired Kamakura Corporation. At the time Kamakura was acquired by SAS, Kamakura's institutional clients had total assets or assets under management of 48 trillion dollars. He leads the investing group Corporate Bond Investor to bring Kamakura's state-of-the-art risk analytics to individual investors.

The analytical processes underlying the Corporate Bond Investor are identical to those provided to institutional investors by SAS Institute Inc. He also provides a daily ranking of corporate bonds by best risk-adjusted return. His investing group is currently the only one on Seeking Alpha to focus exclusively on corporate bonds.

Analyst’s Disclosure: I/we have no stock, option or similar derivative position in any of the companies mentioned, and no plans to initiate any such positions within the next 72 hours. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it.

I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article. Seeking Alpha's Disclosure: Past performance is no guarantee of future results. No recommendation or advice is being given as to whether any investment is suitable for a particular investor.

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