We will end corruption, fraud and theft which are a cancer to the country. – Sajith

Samagi Jana Balawega (SJB) and Samagi Jana Sandhanaya (SJS) Presidential Candidate Sajith Premadasa said that no one who holds opposing views will...The post We will end corruption, fraud and theft which are a cancer to the country. – Sajith appeared first on DailyNews.


Samagi Jana Balawega (SJB) and Samagi Jana Sandhanaya (SJS) Presidential Candidate Sajith Premadasa said that no one who holds opposing views will be harmed after the SJS victory. The SJS considers people with opposing views as contributors and stakeholders in the journey to build the country. He was addressing a Presidential Election rally, organised by the SJS held yesterday (18) in Moneragala.

Premadasa also said that he will win the Presidential Election with a majority of more than 2 million votes. “According to intelligence reports, we will definitely win with a majority of more than 2 million votes. Ranil Wickremesinghe and Anura Dissanayake, who are pulling my leg, are far below,” he said.

“I started my election campaign by offering my Manifesto to the Sacred Tooth Relic. I believe that I am the only Presidential Candidate who has done so. We will protect all the proposals contained in the Manifesto.

Our victory is certain,” he said. However, he requested all Sri Lankans to enjoy the victory in peace without violence .Violence is not the policy of the SJB.

After enjoying the victory peacefully, he asked the whole country to prepare for the programme of building the country from the next moment. “Don’t harm anyone who has opposing views. We make them partners in our journey to build the country.

We protect religious freedom. The people of this country have the right to practise Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Christianity and Catholicism or any other religion. We protect the right of people to practise their religions.

We will not create a secular country,” he added. After coming to power, drugs and the underworld will be completely eradicated within 6 months. “We will end the drug mafia operating in this country by taking strong measures.

Also, I request all those in favour of the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna, Podujana Peramuna, United National Party and other parties to cast your votes to the SJB, at the last minute. We don’t have frauds. We don’t have political deals.

We don’t have political conspiracies. The only deal we have is to free the 22 million people who are suffering and build the country,” he added. “We will reduce the tax burden of the people.

We will increase investments. We will definitely end corruption, fraud and theft, which are a cancer to the country. It was confirmed by the Supreme Court that the gang led by Rajapaksa bankrupted the country,” he added.

“Arrangements are being made to provide 50 kg fertiliser bundles for Rs 5,000 for the farmers. The people who lost their traditional farmlands in Wellasse are given their farmlands back,” he said. A new programme will be launched to eradicate poverty by focusing on consumption, investment, savings, production and export.

Accordingly, a national programme will be implemented to get rid of poverty within 2 years, by providing a financial infusion of Rs 20,000 per month to the housewife of every poor family. “The SJS government will intervene to get out of the abyss that the people have fallen into with that infusion. Also, we are working to establish production factories in the Moneragala district.

We are working to strengthen the country’s education. There are 17,910 preschools in the country. There are 22,000 teachers and 280,000 children in pre-schools.

In the SJS government, education reforms starting from village level. We are working to ensure free education for pre-school children and provide remuneration to pre-school teachers. Also, all schools in Moneragala district will be converted into friendly and Smart Schools.

Making every hospital a friendly and Smart Hospital,” he said. Also, new entrepreneurship opportunities will be provided to the youth, to create 1 million new entrepreneurs. Also, through the implementation of the Kumbukkan Oya scheme, solutions will resolve the drinking water problem and the irrigation water problem.

Also, the rest of the programme of the Uma Oya project will be completed. “We are giving birth to an era where the farmer will be king, by filling the tanks with waste water and making the fields fertile,” he notd. Also, Ranil Wickremesinghe and the Anura Dissanayake gang are eagerly waiting to eliminate Palwatta and Sevanagala sugar factories.

We are working to protect our national resources in Palwatte and Sevanagala. We are working to bring those institutions to profitable state enterprises through implementing new technology. I promise never to auction those resources.

“We are ready to implement a programme of imparting new knowledge to the community such as new technology, computer science, English language ability, information technology etc. to the young community,” Premadasa said. In the 76 years of political history, the only Opposition that has worked without power is the SJB.

Through ‘Husma’ and ‘Sakwala’ programmes we have worked for Rs 1 billion. We accept the responsibility of implementing these proposals. When we say we intend doing something, we are doing it in the literal sense of the word,” he added.
