Want to create a credible political alternative: Junaid Mattu

Even with setbacks, our commitment remains to challenge the status quo and provide genuine representation, rather than becoming a mere extension of existing political dynasties," Mattu saidThe post Want to create a credible political alternative: Junaid Mattu appeared first on Greater Kashmir.


Former Srinagar Mayor Junaid Azeem Mattu today said he wants to create a credible political alternative in Kashmir. He was addressing a press conference along with former Deputy Mayor Sheikh Mohammad Imran here. “Our aim is to create a credible alternative forKashmir, despite the obstacles.

We face a system where established parties and biases shape outcomes. Even with setbacks, our commitment remains to challenge the status quo and provide genuine representation, rather than becoming a mere extension of existing political dynasties,” Mattu said. He said he had no need to come into politics.

“ But I came into politics with a vision and dream to serve the people. I had studied in America. Everyday there is a struggle for me and my family.

I felt Omar Abdullah sahib is a young leader young leader, who would do something for people. But he promoted dynastic politics,” former Mayor said. Mattu said that he joined People’s Conference as its President Sajad Lone talks about revolutionary politics.

“ But Sajad sahib joined PAGD and left after six months. We have been critics of NC ‘s policies. Then I joined Altaf Bukhari sahib’s Apni party.

Bukhari sahib said his party will do the politics of truth and which is against the deceitful politics of Congress, PDP and BJP. But later he said Congrress and BJP are similar,” he said..