Voices/Donna Reed | We interrupt this election season with a tail of joy

I recently received a wireless-enabled wearable technology (WEWT) that fits comfortably on my wrist, and my world has changed forever.


I know there are serious things going on in the world. I know it is an election year, and people are polarized with their strong feelings about this candidate or that one. But I just couldn’t resist sharing this tail of joy I have encountered recently.

Syndicated columnists George Will and Gene Lyons give readers a reason to furrow their brows and shake their heads. My intent is to bring a smile and a chuckle or two. A good friend has a little ball of fluff who may be tiny in size but huge in personality.

We’ve probably all known such cuties and have shared many stories about these playful pups. Here’s mine ..

. My friend and her husband downsized in the last several years and moved to a well-manicured neighborhood with mostly other retired couples. At some point, that desire to share this good life with a furry friend got to a boiling point.

I could see it coming. Whenever my friend and I would talk, she would forward precious videos of dogs being adorable. It’s addictive, as you know, if you have ever watched reels of puppies and kittens and horses and all sorts of other animals acting totally melt-your-heart lovable.

I knew she was a goner when it all started, and sure enough, in time, she and her husband brought home a rambunctious friend with the darkest deep-set eyes in a cloud of white fur. Jaxon is one of those puppies that everybody wants to get ahold of and cuddle. He was socialized with lots of family and friends interacting with him, and he passed his puppy classes with an A for all abilities except for one .

.. distractibility.

And here, I mean distractibility in the best way possible. He may be out for a stroll just minding his own business eating grass and sniffing lampposts when he sees another living creature, particularly the human kind. He is a people and pet magnet.

Whether it’s a stranger he encounters on one of those daily walks or an old friend he has rubbed noses with on frequent occasions, he always puts a smile on his face and does his best to spread his joyfulness to those he meets. Jaxon is always on the lookout for a good time. If he were a kid, he would be the social butterfly that gathers friends for that spontaneous party.

He would be the youngster in class that can’t wait for recess or for the final bell to ring to skip on home with friends. And as far as birth order is concerned, I’m guessing he would be the middle child who is attention-seeking and outgoing, according to Adler’s scale. He would bounce away the hours on a backyard trampoline, organize the neighborhood gang for foot races, and never, I mean never, run out of energy! He’s peppy; he’s perky; he’s positively the life of the party.

So here he is living this energizer bunny life among a quieter, mature, more sedate group of humans. And this is where the pure joy comes in. I have seen him out for a walk when he notices a couple pull up in their driveway or a senior couple step outside onto their front porch to sit and enjoy their morning cup of coffee.

Off sprints the white dynamo, with his leash trailing behind him. He scampers to meet them as if they are long-lost friends and spreads that pure joy of his every time. He may appear out of nowhere as he ends up in their arms and consequently in their hearts like a flash.

The recipients of his happy greetings get a jolt of endorphins and give the joy right back to this little fellow. My friend had her kitchen remodeled last year, and Jaxon got to know several of the contractors. A few weeks ago, their truck appeared in a neighbor’s drive.

Jaxon could not be denied, and off he darted to reunite with his pals. The contractors were overjoyed to see the pup, and I’m certain they reminisced about old times for a minute or two. He’s a character.

And although I’m not certain he could rescue Timmy from the well as Lassie did or save Rusty from a mountain lion thanks to Rin Tin Tin (I’m showing my age), he is a great sidekick. Whatever fun you have in mind, he’s your man, er, dog! Jaxon loves all people without exception, and he favors no one political party. He just sees the best in everyone he meets.

Perhaps we could all use a dose of Jaxon right about now..