Vivek Mathew’s latest show puts shadows in a different light

Vivek Mathew’s ninth solo show, Lyrical Shadows is an encapsulation of two decades of work


We tend to take shadows for granted — they are constantly underfoot, unobtrusive and a reminder of the opaque things in life, ourselves included. With Lyrical Shadows, Bengaluru-based photographer Vivek Mathew has captured everyday instances where the fall of light has been arrested in ways and places we all would have seen and ignored. Vivek Mathew says Lyrical Shadows celebrates the 20-year anniversary of his chosen career as a photographer.

“This year marks two decades since I became a professional photographer, so I decided to put together a show on the shadows that I’ve shot during this time.” As many as 24 images depict Vivek’s observation of the mundane — the play of light and shadow on bannisters and roadside scaffolding, condensation on windowpanes and the streets at night — and draws the viewers’ glance to a beauty and detail that many fail to notice. Vivek Mathew | Photo Credit: Special Arrangement About his fascination with shadows, Vivek says, “They have been a constant part of my journey of capturing images; I believe they add glamour to a photograph.

Without shadows a photo becomes boring,” and adds that they featured in his previous shows as well. “I always compare shadows to an opera singer’s outro (finale) which is the highlight of a concert. An image sans shadows is incomplete.

” At the same time, Vivek says he goes by instinct, nudged by his subconscious. “I don’t plan my photos that way,” he says. And while he may not plan his work, he believes patience is required when creating anything of enduring value whether it is building a career or producing music.

“In today’s world, everyone is pursuing quick fame, quick money — a patience to grow and evolve is severely lacking. It is important to create art that takes time,” he says, citing the likes of Bob Dylan and Johnny Cash, whose music has been around for decades. Like most artists, Vivek presents his works as untitled creations, leaving it to the viewers to decide what they make of it.

“I don’t want to impose my thoughts on to the viewers, that’s long been my philosophy, especially as pictures speak a thousand words. What one sees as a studio can be seen as an office by another; images speak differently to different people.” Lyrical Shadows, a solo show by Vivek Mathew is on display at iArt Gallery, Lavelle Road till March 22, 2025 From Vivek Mathew’s show Lyrical Shadows Published - March 11, 2025 12:55 pm IST Copy link Email Facebook Twitter Telegram LinkedIn WhatsApp Reddit The Hindu MetroPlus.