Vet issues urgent warning to dog owners about five common foods

Amir Anwary is a vet known for sharing advice online. He recently revealed what common foods you need to keep away from dogs.


We all want to look after our pets, but what they eat matters too. Some foods are seriously toxic to dogs , and they are all commonly found around the house. According to Amir Anwary, known as amirthevet on TikTok , he sees five common toxicities effecting dogs quite often.

One of them is onions. The popular vegetable comprises of a toxic compound called N-propyl disulfide that damages red blood cells. This can lead to anemia and organ failure.

Xylitol is something else dogs should avoid. The natural sugar alcohol is typically found in plants, including many fruits and vegetables. Chocolate is also a big no-no for your precious pooches.

Chocolate contains theobromine and caffeine, which are both toxic to dogs. Dogs aren't able to metabolize these chemicals as well as humans, which can cause problems for your pets. The amount of chocolate considered toxic depends on how big the dog is and the kind of chocolate it eats.

Darker, more bitter chocolates are the most toxic. Meanwhile, white chocolate has very little theobromine and is usually considered less dangerous. The video has been viewed thousands of times since it was shared, and people thanked the vet for the advice.

One said they were learning "so much" from Amir's videos. One wrote: "Nice. Thank you for your knowledge.

" Another added: "Thanks for adding Xylitol to your list. Many people don't know about it.".