As the excitement builds for his upcoming film ‘Baby John’, actor Varun Dhawan took a spiritual pause to seek blessings at iconic Mahakaleshwar Temple in Ujjain. On Monday, Dhawan, accompanied by director Atlee and the film’s cast, attended the temple’s Aarti ceremony, offering prayers ahead of the much-anticipated film’s release. Advertisement In a candid moment with the media after the prayers, Dhawan expressed his gratitude, saying, “It was a very good feeling offering prayers here at the temple.
God is bigger than the film. I just prayed that people go and watch the movie.” Advertisement The excitement around ‘Baby John’ has been palpable ever since the trailer was unveiled earlier this month.
With its high-octane action and gripping storyline, the three-minute trailer has certainly captured the attention of moviegoers. Dhawan, in a thrilling new avatar, showcases a diverse range of emotions, from playing a dedicated police officer to a loving father, and even navigating a romance with Keerthy Suresh’s character. The film also introduces Jackie Shroff as the antagonist, adding a menacing presence to the narrative.
Actress Wamiqa Gabbi rounds out the impressive cast, promising an engaging performance. A post shared by VarunDhawan (@varundvn) However, it’s the unexpected cameo by Bollywood superstar Salman Khan that has truly set the internet buzzing. In a brief but intriguing appearance, Khan’s eyes are seen behind a black cloth, and the trailer concludes with him wishing the audience a “Merry Christmas” in advance.
Produced by Murad Khetani, Priya Atlee, and Jyoti Deshpande, ‘Baby John’ is directed by Kalees and presented by Atlee. With its release set for December 25, the film promises to deliver a thrilling cinematic experience just in time for the holiday season. Advertisement.