Understanding Your Furry Friends: 6 Benefits Of Tracking Pets' Activities

Experts point out that by monitoring your pet's daily patterns, we can detect subtle changes that might indicate underlying health issues long before visible symptoms appear. It's like having a 24/7 health monitor for your furry family member.


Experts point out that by monitoring your pet's daily patterns, we can detect subtle changes that might indicate underlying health issues long before visible symptoms appear. It's like having a 24/7 health monitor for your furry family member. It's not just difficult being a parent to a toddler, being a pet parent can be tough too.

Often, you will wish that your furry friends could talk because, in the absence of a mutually understandable language, it often gets tough to decipher what they are feeling. Dr Shantanu Kalambi, Chief Veterinary Officer at Supertails, shares a solution. "Did you know that almost 30% of dogs experience stress when left alone? This startling statistic underscores the importance of understanding our pets' emotional and physical well-being.

While we can't always be there to observe their every move, modern technology offers a powerful solution: Activity tracking." Dr Kalambi shares his insights on the issue. What Is Pet Activity Tracking? If you think tracking a pet's activities is the latest fad, think again.

As Dr Kalambi points out, "Activity tracking for pets is not just a trend; it's a vital tool in preventive healthcare. By monitoring your pet's daily patterns, we can detect subtle changes that might indicate underlying health issues long before visible symptoms appear. It's like having a 24/7 health monitor for your furry family member.

" How Activity Tracking Of Pets Help Dr Shantanu Kalambi highlights the key areas where activity tracking can h.