UH OH: Guess Which Age Group Identifies LEAST With Democrats (And It Doesn't Bode Well for the Left)


Earlier today, we told you about the NYT/Siena College poll that shows Trump with a slight advantage over Kamala Harris, and we told you about the Nate Silver/FiveThirtyEight giving Trump his highest likelihood of winning the election. But there's an interesting tidbit buried in the crosstabs of the NYT/Siena College poll that's worth paying attention to. Here it is: This is pretty wild, per new NYT/Siena poll.

The demographic that identifies most as Democrats is voters age 65+. The demographic that identifies least as Democrats is voters age 18-29 pic.twitter.

com/JMthE08a1M This spells bad news for the Democrats. Voters age 65+ are also by far the most enthusiastic about voting in the 2024 election. 69% say they are "very enthusiastic," and only 5% say they are "not at all enthusiastic.

" Voters age 18-29 are the least enthusiastic pic.twitter.com/Kexpd4UVXX This tracks with previous elections.

It's worth noting that Trump still leads overall among voters age 65+ pic.twitter.com/2Eun96NYFw This also lines up with polling trends we're seeing.

The Left is infested with disaffected pro-Hamas youth. And it might be turning over voters. GOOD.

Wait until you need the kids in HS now. They went through COVID and are fed a steaming pile of PC horses**t every day in school, yet unlike Socialist attempts at re-education in the past, they can go home and see the lies exposed on the Web and X in real-time. It will be hysterical if the Left's draconian COVID policies turned off an entire generation to their nonsense.

Wonderful, but hysterical. And richly deserved. It seems the Dick Cheney endorsement has failed to entice young voters.

Ha! What a shocker! (Not) 🥸 https://t.co/ehy9ZjSExL This made us chuckle. As the Co-Chair of the RNC Youth Advisory Council, this is INCREDIBLE news.

Generation Z is tired of America being WOKE and BROKE. That’s exactly why we’re supporting @realDonaldTrump https://t.co/9TCrKCL3P8 Here's hoping.

Idiot, low information boomers https://t.co/5TYo46W8FP Lots of people are not happy with the Boomers. It’s the Boomers.

Most spoiled delusional generation in history. https://t.co/bTFJWXjpeb They're certainly not doing much to dispel this notion.

I mean, it’s just one poll, but there’s no good news in it for Democrats. No wonder they’re acting the way they are. https://t.

co/IDvmI3ztvf Yeah. They were really banking on Kamala Harris being magical. And she's not.

What strikes me is the generational decline of the parties. % who identity as neither R nor D from oldest to youngest: 25, 38, 48, 51 This is what decaying systems look like. https://t.

co/TTX3wxesnK Because the two-party system has been a failure. Democrats are the Party of the Establishment https://t.co/OiQgJ1ABeP Hard to argue otherwise.
