UAE artist starts rebuilding after Dh6 million worth works destroyed in fire


Jalal Luqman, the UAE's first digital artist, is now "rebuilding" after a devastating fire destroyed his warehouse and works worth between Dh5 to 6 million back in May. The blaze consumed Luqman's studio, including numerous pieces he had created over the years. Despite the devastating loss, the 57-year-old artist remained determined to continue his journey in the art world.

"When I heard the fire had turned everything to ash, my initial reaction was to simply rebuild. There was no time for despair," Luqman reflected. “The fire was devastating.

I lost everything — my work, my equipment; all was reduced to ash. But I’m not one to dwell on loss. Instead, I’m channelling that experience into creating something new and impactful,” he added.

Stay up to date with the latest news. Follow KT on WhatsApp Channels. Luqman's path to becoming the UAE's first digital artist was not without its challenges.

While working various manual labour jobs to support his business degree in the US, Luqman's passion for art was nurtured by his father’s subtle encouragement. “My father always provided me with art supplies without pushing me to use them. It allowed me to choose art freely, which was crucial for my creative development,” Luqman recalled.

Despite his artistic inclinations, Luqman pursued a business degree in the US, a decision driven by practical considerations. “When I expressed my desire to study art, my father advised me to pursue a ‘real’ job. It was disheartening, but I accepted it and chose business instead,” he explained.

After his father passed away, Luqman found himself working multiple jobs to support himself and complete his academic journey. He worked as a janitor, assisted a carpenter, and did other odd jobs to support himself and continue his studies. “Those experiences were humbling and instrumental in shaping my empathy as well as my work ethic,” he said.

After graduating with a double major in business and graphic design, the Abu Dhabi resident returned to the UAE and began applying his skills in the art world. He faced numerous rejections before landing a job that barely matched his qualifications. “I applied for over a 100 jobs and finally got one paying Dh2,000, despite my qualifications,” he recalled.

His persistence eventually paid off when a significant order for 5,000 greeting cards launched his career..