1 2 Pune: The Yerawada police on Wednesday registered separate cases against two pubs in the Kalyaninagar area on the charge of hosting New Year parties without prior permission. Both the establishments faced police action last year too for flouting the closure timing, among other offences. One of the pubs, operating out of South Avenue, was raided late on Tuesday night after residents complained of loud noise coming from the establishment around 9.
30pm. "The beat marshals patrolling the area checked the pub and found DJ playing loud music. There were at least 60 customers at the time of raid," senior inspector Ravindra Shelke of the Yerawada police said.
The officer said police immediately seized the music system and stopped the party as the pub management did not take police permission for the party and the music. "A case under section 223 (disobedience to order duly promulgated by public servant) of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita was registered against the pub on Wednesday. It was also sealed last year after its management repeatedly flouted the closure timing.
The pub, however, resumed operations after a court order," Shelke said. The officer said the police registered another case against the administration of a pub on Kalyaninagar Road. "This pub hosted a party late on the night of Dec 27 last year as a part of their long New Year celebrations, for which the management hired a group of performers from different countries, without obtaining police permission.
It also did not possess permission for playing music," Shelke said. He said police took action against this pub on Oct 28 last year for disobedience, obstructing a public servant, and other charges after the pub was found serving food and liquor to more than 500 patrons beyond the 1.30am closure deadline.
"The pub remained shut for three months. It resumed operations a few months back," he said..