Twin Vee Powercats (VEEE) Scheduled to Post Quarterly Earnings on Thursday

Twin Vee Powercats (NASDAQ:VEEE – Get Free Report) will announce its earnings results before the market opens on Thursday, November 14th. Investors interested in listening to the company’s conference call can do so using this link. Twin Vee Powercats (NASDAQ:VEEE – Get Free Report) last announced its earnings results on Wednesday, August 14th. The company [...]


Twin Vee Powercats ( NASDAQ:VEEE – Get Free Report ) will announce its earnings results before the market opens on Thursday, November 14th. Investors interested in listening to the company’s conference call can do so using this link . Twin Vee Powercats ( NASDAQ:VEEE – Get Free Report ) last announced its earnings results on Wednesday, August 14th.

The company reported ($0.13) earnings per share for the quarter. Twin Vee Powercats had a negative return on equity of 24.

27% and a negative net margin of 43.37%. The business had revenue of $4.

33 million during the quarter. Twin Vee Powercats Price Performance Shares of NASDAQ VEEE opened at $0.51 on Wednesday.

Twin Vee Powercats has a 12 month low of $0.33 and a 12 month high of $1.77.

The company has a current ratio of 4.29, a quick ratio of 3.38 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.

10. The firm has a market capitalization of $4.87 million, a price-to-earnings ratio of -0.

52 and a beta of 1.28. The business has a 50-day moving average of $0.

52 and a 200-day moving average of $0.57. About Twin Vee Powercats Twin Vee PowerCats Co engages in the design, manufacture, and marketing of recreational and commercial power catamaran boats.

It operates in three segments: Gas-Powered Boat, Electric-Powered Boat, and Franchise. The company's boats allow consumers to use them for a range of recreational activities, such as fishing, diving, and water skiing; and commercial activities, including transportation, eco tours, fishing, and diving expeditions. Featured Stories Receive News & Ratings for Twin Vee Powercats Daily - Enter your email address below to receive a concise daily summary of the latest news and analysts' ratings for Twin Vee Powercats and related companies with MarketBeat.

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