TTAL seeks new CEO

PHILLIP Robinson is no longer the interim chief executive officer of Tobago Tourism Agency Ltd (TTAL), after leaving the agency in all capacities immediately yesterday, according to a release from TTAL.However, it remains unclear whether Robinson, who served as the...


PHILLIP Robinson is no longer the interim chief executive officer of Tobago Tourism Agency Ltd (TTAL), after leaving the agency in all capacities immediately yesterday, according to a release from TTAL. However, it remains unclear whether Robinson, who served as the director of Human Resources at TTAL, resigned or was terminated from his position. Sandra Orr-Toney, a director at TTAL, has been appointed as the acting CEO while the board conducts an active search for a new chief executive officer.

According to a release from TTAL, the board, chaired by Dalia Jerry, “assures all stakeholders that this change will not disrupt the ongoing efforts and programmes of the agency.” TTAL stated that further updates will be provided as necessary. Best wishes “We extend our sincere thanks to Mr Robinson for his service and contributions to the agency and wish him every success in his future endeavours,” TTAL stated.

TTAL stated that it is “committed to identifying a highly qualified leader who will further the agency’s vision and continue its work in promoting Tobago as a premier destination”. “Under the leadership of Mrs Orr-Toney, TTAL remains dedicated to delivering on its mission of advancing Tobago’s tourism industry and will continue to operate with the highest standards of professionalism and integrity during this transition,” it stated. On August 12, 2022, Louis Lewis resigned as the CEO of TTAL after five years at the helm.

Lewis resigned before his contract was set to end in 2023..