Trump repeats false claims that children are undergoing transgender surgeries during the school day

Trump’s remarks escalated existing claims by conservatives that educators are “grooming” or “indoctrinating” children to become gay or transgender.


Former President Donald Trump repeated his false claim that children are undergoing transition-related surgeries during their school day, exacerbating existing fears among conservatives that educators are pushing children to become transgender and aiding transitions without parental awareness. “Can you imagine you’re a parent and your son leaves the house, and you say, ‘Jimmy, I love you so much, go have a good day in school, and your son comes back with a brutal operation. Can you even imagine this? What the hell is wrong with our country?” Trump said at a campaign rally in Wisconsin, a vital swing state, on Saturday.

The Republican nominee for president made similar remarks — saying that children were returning home from school after having surgical procedures — the previous weekend while speaking at an event hosted by Moms for Liberty, a parent activist group that has gained outsized influence in conservative politics in recent years. When asked by the group’s co-founder how he would address the “explosion in the number of children who identify as transgender,” Trump said: “Your kid goes to school and comes home a few days later with an operation. The school decides what’s going to happen with your child.

” There is no evidence that a student has ever undergone gender-affirming surgery at a school in the United States nor is there evidence that a U.S. school has sent a student to receive such a procedure elsewhere.

Currently, about half the states across the U.S. ban transition-related surgery for minors, and even in those states where such care is still legal, it is rare .

Additionally, guidelines from several major medical associations state that a parent or guardian must provide consent before a minor undergoes gender-affirming care, including transition-related surgery, according to the American Association of Medical Providers . Most major medical associations in the U.S.

support gender-affirming care for minors experiencing gender dysphoria. For those who opt for such care and have the support of their guardians and physicians, this typically involves puberty blockers for preteens and hormone replacement therapy for older teens. A spokesperson for the former president’s campaign did not substantiate Trump’s claims and pointed NBC News to reports about parents being left in the dark about their child’s gender transition at school.

“President Trump will ensure all Americans are treated equally under the law regardless of race, gender, or sexual orientation,” the spokesperson, Karoline Leavitt, said. Kate King, president of the National Association of School Nurses, said that even when it comes to administering over-the-counter medication such as Advil or Tylenol, school nurses need explicit permission from a physician and a parent. “There is no way that anyone is doing surgery in a classroom in schools,” she said when asked about Trump’s remarks.

The former president’s claims stand out even amid years of allegations by conservative politicians and right wing media pundits that teachers, Democratic lawmakers and LGBTQ adults are “grooming” or “indoctrinating” children to become gay or transgender. The practice of labeling LGBTQ people, particularly gay men and trans women, as “groomers” and “pedophiles” of children had been relegated to the margins for decades, but these tropes resurfaced during the heated debate over Florida’s so-called Don’t Say Gay law, which was signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis in March 2022.

The law limits the instruction of sexual orientation and gender identity in school and has been replicated in states across the country. At the Republican National Convention in July, at least a dozen speakers — including DeSantis and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga.

— mentioned gender identity or sexuality negatively in their speeches, according to an NBC News analysis. DeSantis, for example, alleged that Democrats want to “impose gender ideology” on kindergartners. Nearly 70% of public K-12 teachers who have been teaching for more than one year said topics related to sexual orientation and gender identity “rarely or never” come up in their classroom, according to a recent poll from the Pew Research Center.

Half of all teachers polled, including 62% of elementary teachers, said elementary school students should not learn about gender identity in school. Trump vowed in 2023 that if he is re-elected he would abolish gender-affirming care for minors, which he equated to “child abuse” and “child sexual mutilation.” This year, Trump also said he would roll back Title IX protections for transgender students “on day one” of his potential second presidential administration.

His campaign website says he would, if re-elected, cut federal funding for schools that push “gender ideology on our children” and “keep men out of women’s sports.” More broadly, Trump has promised to eliminate the Department of Education, claiming that doing so will give states more authority over education. During his first administration, Trump barred trans people from enlisting in the military — which he has vowed to do again if re-elected — and rolled back several anti-discrimination protections for LGBTQ people.

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