Trump, Orban, Milei, Netanyahu: Today's global freedom fighters

All four freedom fighters situated on four different continents have become targets of delegitimization and political coups in attempts to deprive them of their influence and positions for the threat they pose to the Communist/Islamist alliance. Op-ed


The Western world is descending into darkness and chaos, not unlike pre-World War II. For the last number of decades there has been a silent Communist march through our institutions and since its intersectionality with Islamism, a 7th Century Doctrine once turned back at the Gates of Vienna, the West is now in danger of losing not only its Judeo/Christian underpinnings as well as the personal liberty guaranteed within the US Constitutional Republic. Under the auspices of a corrupt U.

N. headed by tyrannical Islamic regimes, Communist China, and advanced by a Global corporatist elite Communist Oligarchy (The World Economic Forum and the European Union) they are advancing the end of national sovereignty, open borders, and a One World Global Order governed by them. Should they succeed, it would spell the end of American democracy and its 250-year experience as a Constitutional Republic.

We are witnessing the deliberate illegal Third World population replacement ushered onto Western shores across Western Europe and North America by those who are attempting to create a permanent unskilled uneducated underclass forever dependent on government for its survival. It has already begun to erode the middle class in blue states throughout the country, and its purpose is to guarantee a permanent centralized power hold for the elite. Akin to the Middle Ages Feudal System, we the masses would become today's serfs while the oligarchy would be our new overlords.

Leading the opposition against this menacing force who seek to enslave mankind in a new form of tyranny is North America's Donald J. Trump, former president of the United States, and the current GOP nominee for President; Eastern Europe's Victor Orban, Prime Minister of Hungary since 2010; South America's Javier Milei, Prime Minister of Argentina and the Middle East's, Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel. All four freedom fighters situated on four different continents have become targets of delegitimization and political coups in attempts to deprive them of their influence and positions for the threat they pose to the Communist/Islamist alliance.

-Under President Trump's leadership the Communist/Islamic alliance made no headway during his four-year reign. America's southern border was relatively closed, the economy was booming, unemployment was at a fifty-year low, America was energy independent, and there were no new wars on his dime. -While Western Europe is currently amid an illegal Third World invasion wreaking havoc upon the native population with increased crime, gang rapes, and assaults, Victor Orban has defied the European Union by his refusal to allow a Third World population onto Hungary's soil.

Thus, unlike Western Europe, Hungary is still visibly clean, safe, and Hungarian. -Unlike parts of South America where Socialism, dictatorships, and corruption is the norm, the ascent of Javier Milei, a free-market capitalist economist to the position of Prime Minister of Argentina has already produced significant improvements. He has reduced the size of government, reduced strangling regulations, and encouraged privatization which in turn has stimulated economic growth.

Additionally, he has designated Hamas as a terrorist organization and has pledged his solidarity with Israel. -Next to President Trump, the Oligarchy has no greater contempt than they have for democratically elected Prime Minister Benjamin (Bibi) Netanyahu. Straying from Israel's Socialist foundation and following in the footsteps of Menachem Begin, he is a Capitalist.

It is largely under his long reign of power, Israel with a population of around 10 million and the size of New Jersey has grown to be the 26th largest economy in the world. No small feat for such a tiny country! Surrounded by chronically hostile Islamic states bent on Israel’s destruction, the Jewish nation has continually had to fight for its survival. Although the Biden/Harris regime proclaims it is pro-Israel, their decision to withhold ammunition and much needed fighter jets to Israel proves otherwise.

The Biden/Harris regime has given Iran $60 billion of American tax dollars which they in turn used to finance Hamas and Hezbollah. Strikingly an additional $180 million in aid has been given to those in Gaza since October 7th regardless of the decision by Gazans to have kept Hamas in power for the last 18 years. Prior to Oct.

7th and since, the Biden/Harris regime along with NGO's funded by George Soros have worked to undermine and attempt to overthrow Netanyahu's right of center government. What they seek is a Leftist/Socialist Labor administration which will be in alignment with their One World Order. The many protests against Bibi throughout Israel were ignited by the current US administration in conjunction with Israel’s Left towards that end.

Netanyahu has withstood the onslaught during a time of war and has become today's David against Islam's Goliath. For while Israel is the canary in the coal mine, the Doctrine of Islam commands Muslims to "slay the unbelievers till all dominion is for Allah" (Quran, Sura 9.5) While it may not be apparent to the naked eye, these four freedom fighters are fighting for humanity against the force of darkness.

Our support for them is detrimental to what those forces hope the future holds for all of us. Shari Goodman is an activist and has written political commentaries for American Thinker, World Net Daily, Israel National News, and other publications..