Trial date for Island man accused of falsely imprisoning female

The 64-year-old Isle of Wight man denied false imprisonment and engage in controlling/coercive behaviour.


A trial date has been set for an Isle of Wight man accused of falsely imprisoning a female. Stephen Oyston, of Wolverton Road, St Lawrence, appeared before a judge at Guildford Crown Court on Monday, October 14. The 64-year-old denied false imprisonment and engaging in controlling/coercive behaviour, in Surrey, on January 15 of last year.

He is accused of assaulting and unlawfully imprisoning a female against her will. He is also accused of repeatedly engaging in behaviour, which was controlling or coercive, namely restricting her movements, who she spoke to, preventing her from being able to socialise or go on holidays, and putting her in fear of violence. Mr Oyston saw his case adjourned for a trial at the same venue on April 7, 2026.

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