Trees Turned Into Wind Turbines, Non-Destructively

Trees and forests are an incredibly important natural resource not only for lumber and agricultural products, but also maintain a huge amount of biodiversity in the various types of forests more


Trees and forests are an incredibly important natural resource not only for lumber and agricultural products, but also maintain a huge amount of biodiversity in the various types of forests across the globe, stabilize their local environments, and can be protective against climate change as a way to sequester atmospheric carbon. But the one thing they don’t do is make electricity. At least, not directly.

[Concept Crafted Creations] is working on solving this issue . The turbine works by first attaching a linear generator to the trunk of a tree. This generator has a hand-wound set of coils on the outside, with permanent magnets on a shaft that can travel up and down inside the set of coils.

The motion to power the generator comes from a set of ropes connected high up in the tree to a tree branch. When the wind moves the branch, the ropes transfer the energy to a 3D-printed rotational mechanism that transfers this movement to a pulley attached to a gearbox which then pumps the generator up and down. The more ropes, branches, and generators attached to a tree the more electricity can be generated.

Admittedly, this project is still a proof-of-concept, although the working prototype does seem to be working on a real tree in a forest at the current time. [Concept Crafted Creations] hopes to work with others building similar devices to improve on the idea and build more refined prototypes in the future. It’s also not the only way of building a wind energy generator outside of the traditional bladed design, either.

It’s possible to build a wind-powered generator with no moving parts that uses vibrations instead of rotational motion. Admittedly, this project is still a proof-of-concept, although the working prototype does seem to be working on a real tree in a forest at the current time. [Concept Crafted Creations] hopes to work with others building similar devices to improve on the idea and build more refined prototypes in the future.

It’s also not the only way of building a wind energy generator outside of the traditional bladed design, either. ..