In a devastating event early Thursday, an Israeli airstrike killed at least seven Palestinians, including women and children, in southern Gaza's Khan Younis region. The victims were staying in a tent encampment designated as a humanitarian area in Al-Mawasi. According to reports from local medics, several individuals were wounded in the airstrike, adding to the growing toll of casualties in the conflict-stricken region.
The tent housed displaced families seeking refuge. The attack has sparked renewed concerns over the safety of civilians in designated humanitarian zones, highlighting the urgent need for international attention to the escalating violence in Gaza. (With inputs from agencies.
Tragedy in Khan Younis: Airstrike Claims Lives in Humanitarian Zone
Tragedy in Khan Younis: Airstrike Claims Lives in Humanitarian Zone In a devastating event early Thursday, an Israeli airstrike killed at least seven Palestinians, including women and children, in southern Gaza's Khan Younis region. The victims were staying in a tent encampment designated as a humanitarian area in Al-Mawasi.According to reports from local medics, several individuals were wounded in the airstrike, adding to the growing toll of casualties in the conflict-stricken region. The tent housed displaced families seeking refuge.The attack has sparked renewed concerns over the safety of civilians in designated humanitarian zones, highlighting the urgent need for international attention to the escalating violence in Gaza.