Traders elated as Governments embarks on construction of a modern market at Gikoe

Hundreds of traders who operate at Gikoe town in Mathioya sub county, Murang’a are in high hopes as the national government embarks on the construction of a modern market. The Sh54 million market is earmarked to accommodate 204 traders, a social hall and ICT hub among other amenities. The clerk of works Johnna Mwita said...


Hundreds of traders who operate at Gikoe town in Mathioya sub county, Murang’a are in high hopes as the national government embarks on the construction of a modern market. The Sh54 million market is earmarked to accommodate 204 traders, a social hall and ICT hub among other amenities. The ICT hub, Kimani added, will provide opportunities for youth from the area to train on digital skills and provide a platform for those engaged in online jobs.

One of the traders, Mercy Wanjiru said lack of modern markets have led them to incur losses especially during rain seasons..