Tomato disease can destroy gardens if gardeners do not spot 1 sign of infection quickly

Gardeners need to be aware that a serious tomato disease is very common in autumn, and that knowing the signs will save your harvest and stop it from ruining your garden.


Tomato plants should be overflowing with ripe crops ready to be harvested at this time of year, but gardeners should be on the lookout for fruit that has brown leathery spots. Beth Otway, a horticulturist and founder of Pumpkin Beth , has shared that the disease Late Blight is very common in autumn and can spread quickly in a garden through tomato plants . She said: “At this time of year, Late Blight (phytophthora infestans) is often viciously working its destruction through our tomato and potato plants.

“Marking tomato leaves and stems with patches of brown and spreading rot and disease, turning green or ripening tomatoes a deathly brown.” Make sure to check tomato plants daily during the cold autumn weather as not only will Late Blight destroy a harvest but it can kill entire garden crops in days if gardeners do not catch it early. Why do you need to be aware of Late Blight? Late Blight spreads in in cold and wet conditions which makes autumn the ideal time for it to spread and its spores will carry itself through the wind or rain.

If left untreated, Late Blight will contaminate nearby plants and disrupt their ability to photosynthesise or transport water, which will cause them to quickly die. Tomato and potato plants are the most commonly affected but plants that are near any infected crops can experience more pests and become more stressed due to the garden being infected. Beth said: “It’s important to check your plants for signs of Late Blight, so you can make the most of whatever situation your plants are in.

"If your plants are severely affected by Late Blight, gather in any ripe and unripe tomatoes that are as yet entirely untouched by the disease and bin or burn the remnants of your tomato plants, including any twine." What are the signs of Late Blight? The first sign of Late Blight is typically big dark green spots on the leaves of tomato plants that will quickly turn brown or plants, but also be on the lookout for fuzzy white mould growing on the leaves. Tomato fruit can develop big black or brown spots and begin rotting, but can also look greasy or oily.

Overall the plant will begin to wilt and become spotty extremely quickly, but once you spot signs of an infected plant it is important to act quickly to prevent the spread. Beth said: “If your tomatoes have been affected by Late Blight, bin or burn any tomatoes and leaves that you’ve removed so far. Ensure that when your tomato plants have totally given themselves up to disease, that you dispose of this additional plant material in the same way.

“Don’t leave any plant debris behind, as the spores of this disease travel in wind and water to journey on and infect other tomato and potato plants.” How to prevent Late Blight in tomato plants The best way to prevent Late Blight is to water tomato plants in the morning so the plant dries quickly to minimise the risk of disease. Always avoid overhead watering as it leads to wet foliage which makes the conditions more favourable for blight to spread, and instead water tomatoes at the base of the plant.

Beth said: “If like me, you’re going to try and keep some of your tomato plants going, it really is important to wash your hands and sterilise any tools you’re using before you move on to your next tomato plant. “Late Blight is spread by splashes of water, so water your plants carefully; focus your watering can or hose low down, at your plants’ roots and do all you can to avoid splashing your plants’ stems and leaves.” Make sure to use organic mulch such as straw to keep the soil dry as this will also prevent the spread of Late Blight.

However, simply being on the lookout and checking tomato plants regularly at this time of year is the easiest way to stop these horrid diseases from destroying a year’s worth of hard work in the garden..