Tom Nichols Would Appreciate if Donald Trump Would Stop Complaining About All the Shooting


Apparently, Tom Nichols, original Never Trump goof constantly coveting a spot on MSNBC, is going full blame the victim after the last attempt on President Trump's life. Amazing. No notes. When truth is even stranger than fiction.

Never change, Tom And by that we mean, please change as soon as possible. he really needs to stop wearing such short skirts, eh Trump should stop going outside on such dangerous golf courses.

Weird. I'd think that the actual attempt at assassinate Trump would indicate tensions were already inflamed, or at least we could say they were inflamed by the time the second attempt happened. Trump made them do it or something.

Brought to you by the guy who penned this gem: MK’s face upon reading Tom’s tweet. Tom has a very storied history of writing dumb things.

The line between reality and satire has been obliterated for some time now. "MLK's family uses assassination to stoke fears about rights and the CIA in America" Tom wants it to keep happening until someone is successful. There certainly is no contrition on the side of the Left.

Tom Nichols blocked me months ago because I pointed out his obsession with Donald Trump, which is borderline clinical. The 'Never Trump' folks hate Trump so much they have made him the very center of their universe. It's bizarre.

I’d love to respond to Tom and let him know how asinine his take here is but ... I’d love to respond to Tom and let him know how asinine his take here is but .

.. pic. Do liberals ever take responsibility for anything? The answer is a resounding no. “We’re trying to kill you, and pointing this out makes you unfit to be president.

” Tom would very much if Trump would stop complaining about the people who want him dead. "Hey stop pointing out that we're trying to murder you.

" The Atlantic is a flat-out evil publication and the same applies to everyone who works for them. There should be arrests of their staff for intentional, deliberate incitement of the murder of a Presidential candidate. They should be ashamed of printing victim blaming drivel. How can anyone this stupid hold a job? The Atlantic has some issues. Even stupid pundits need a place to write and apparently they have found their home..