Tilly Nickell secures surprise bronze at English Cross Country Championships

A huge surprise! 17-year-old Tilly Nickell stuns with bronze at English XC Champs


Tilly Nickell is celebrating the best result of her young career after winning a bronze medal at the Saucony English Cross Country Championships. The 17-year-old Team Bath AC runner secured a place on the podium in the under-17 women’s race with a storming finish. "It was a massive shock," said Nickell, a student at Dauntsey’s School.

"Before the race, I would have been over the moon to make the top 15, having finished 20th last year. I didn’t expect to win a medal. It’s amazing.

" Nickell, who also claimed a silver medal in the 3,000m steeplechase at the England U20 Championships this summer, usually starts conservatively. However, on Saturday, she got herself into the leading group right from the start. "It was very unlike me, but I managed to stay in the top group and respond to all the moves, which really helped," she added.

"I was probably in sixth place for most of the race, then moved up to fourth before finally taking third when the girl ahead of me (GB junior international Katie Pye) ran out of energy. I felt bad for her as she’s such a talented runner." Nickell's perseverance paid off, and the history books will record her tremendous achievement in what could be a unique occasion, with the national cross country championships being held in September for the first time, having been postponed from February due to torrential rain.

But on Saturday, the sun was shining for Nickell. Her clubmate, Tobi Loughlin, also had a strong performance, finishing fifth in the under-17 men’s race. Loughlin celebrated his 16th birthday with his best-ever result, improving from 24th place in 2023.

"I was really happy with how the race played out," said Loughlin. "It was nice to be back to cross country, even in the middle of September. Starting the season with a fifth-place finish is fantastic.
