This organic restaurant has been promoting healthy food culture for 10 years now

Since opening its doors in July 2014, The Wholesome Table has been serving its customers their usual comfort food, but made with better ingredients.


Since opening its doors in July 2014, The Wholesome Table has been serving its customers their usual comfort food, but made with better ingredients. The restaurant’s owner, Bianca Araneta-Elizalde, told GMA News Online that her business is simply an extension of her lifestyle. They serve food the way they would have it at home.

She came up with the business idea when she found herself always having a hard time looking for food outside that matched their standards. “Every time that we would eat out, we would always ask, ‘What are we eating? What’s in this food?’” the mompreneur said. “But every time we would travel, it was so easy to find stuff.

This was the norm when we would travel.” According to Bianca, in her “second home,” San Francisco, it is a norm that they use healthy ingredients and organic vegetables, even for those that aren’t marketed as “healthy” restaurants. “You kind of at least have a little bit more assurance that you are eating less toxins.

We couldn’t find that here. There weren’t enough of that here. There were healthy concepts.

There were vegan restaurants, vegetarian restaurants, vegetarian dishes, but they were still made with pesticide-ridden vegetables,” she said. The Wholesome Table’s motto is: “Eat consciously. Live consciously.

” For 10 years now, they have been serving diners and patrons wholesome, locally sourced meals that delight the palate and nourish the body. They use meat from grass-fed cows that are r.