This One Unbelievable Election Factoid Says it All About This Crazy Election


The number two is very important. It's how many interviews for which Kamala has sat and now it is the amount of times someone has tried to shoot Donald Trump. Donald Trump has now experienced as many assassination attempts as Kamala has experienced interviews.

O-M-G Donald Trump has now experienced twice as many assassination attempts as Kamala has received in votes to become the nominee. Faced more combat that stolen valor @Tim_Walz Welp, that is also true. Stealing that! Trump survived Assassination Attempts .


2 Harris Interviews ...

.2 Yes, but Trump has managed to survive both. Kamala did not come through the interviews nearly as unscathed.

And she needed the network to help her out. Trump did have the help of the Secret Service, but other than that, he was on his own. To be fair, both her interviews have assassinated her chance to become President! No falsehoods detected.

Ooof. 😀 It is a slick burn.

Classic. And true..

... Astute observation. https://t.

co/6kvwYX7Bf1 This sounds like it should be a @TheBabylonBee headline. Bravo. Well played. Except for the Bee is satire and this is true. This sure puts things into perspective. Okay, my macabre humor chuckled at this one 😅 If you don't laugh, you'll cry.

lol crazy this is a real stat Ok, this is funny..

. not funny. My God, please protect our President Trump. Amen. Wow.

This hits hard actually. Donald Trump now has 2 more assassination attempts on his life than Kamala Harris has primary votes. THIS should tell you something. https://t.

co/bzcyn50r6Z It should tell quite a lot, actually. The fact that this is true is mind boggling 🤯 It speaks to the state of today's media and what they allow Democrats to get away with.

and President Trump does not hide like Kamala does! True! Last time, he presided over a week long Republican National Convention and didn't even seem the least bit phased..