With Black Friday on the horizon, you might be tempted to sign up to Prime to get access to the retailer's exclusive offers. If you’re tempted, now’s the time to sign up, because not only do you get Prime Video included in your membership but you can get an early saving on some subscription add-ons that include the . Once in, you’ll be greeted with thousands of titles available to watch right now, including , and you can get started with these while you wait to watch our pick of the three most tantalising new Prime Video shows set to drop over the next couple of months.
And, if you want the latest blockbusters, the streamer is offering to buy in the UK in a limited time offer that also include big discounts for renting too. Make sure to check the best for more offers as they become available. Secret Level comes from director Tim Miller and should delight videogame fans everywhere.
An animated anthology series, with some of the creative minds behind on board, each episode will be set in the worlds of different videogames. The voice cast is absolutely stacked with the likes of Arnold Schwaznegger, Keanu Reeves, Kevin Hart, Ariana Greenblatt and Gabrial Luna all set to star. As for the games featured? Expect to see stories set in the universes of , , , , and more.
A must-watch for anyone who’s ever picked up a controller. The Sticky With definite vibes, tells the true story of the 2012 maple syrup heist, which saw $18 million worth of the sticky stuff stolen from Quebec's national reserves. When bureaucratic red tape threatens the livelihood of maple syrup farmer Ruth (Margo Martindale), she finds herself in an unlikely alliance with a Boston mobster (Chris Diamantopoulos) and a French-Canadian security guard (Guillaume Cyr), plotting the multi-million dollar heist.
Coming from producer Jamie Lee Curtis, who also guest stars, should be a heck of a good time as things spiral out of control as the criminal trio find themselves in an increasingly sticky situation. On Call , an “adrenalized and visceral police drama,” is a definite change of pace for Dick Wolf, the man behind the and franchises. Aiming to immerse the viewer in the breakneck lives of the police patrolling Long Beach, California, the show uses a mixture of hand-held cameras, bodycam and dash-cam footage to create a documentary-like effect.
Starring Troian Bellisario as Traci, a veteran officer and Brandon Larracuente as her rookie partner Alex, should be an intense, engaging look at modern policing from the godfather of the genre..
Thinking of getting Amazon Prime for Black Friday? These 3 new Prime Video shows might sweeten the deal
Torn as to whether to take Prime Video up on a Black Friday deal? These shows might sway you.