The real path to losing our country

The recent letter "Don't lose the country we love," (Sept. 12) doesn't pass the smell test.


The recent letter "Don't lose the country we love," (Sept. 12) doesn't pass the smell test. Yes, Donald Trump probably did give the largest tax cut in history, but it mostly benefited the very wealthy.

More illegals did probably come to our borders, but it was due to Republicans yelling as loud as they could that our borders were open and unguarded, essentially inviting everyone to come. Trump did not make us safer, he simply kowtowed to and was played by Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un as the simple, egotistical fool that he is. It is news to me that we are at war.

We are helping to support a young democracy that is resisting a hostile takeover by Russia. Finally, the current administration is not condemning Israel for protecting itself, but is rightly concerned and horrified by the loss of innocent life that has been inflicted during this conflict. People are also reading.

.. If Trump gets elected, I truly fear we may lose the country we love.

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