Geetai Productions is thrilled to reveal the poster for The Rabbit House, an upcoming film that promises to capture audiences with its suspenseful tagline, “Hum Raaz Nahin, Humraaz Hai...
” Directed by Vaibhav Kulkarni, this unique story explores complex human emotions, secrets, and relationships, holding the promise of a cinematic experience like no other. The film is produced by Sunita Pandhare, with a talented team that includes Executive Producer Krishna Pandhare, DOP Pratik Pathak, and music by the renowned Padmanabh Gaikwad. Kulkarni, the creative powerhouse behind the film, has also penned the story, screenplay, dialogues, and served as editor.
His multifaceted approach adds depth to the narrative, delivering his vision in every frame and every line. The film stars a talented ensemble, including Karishma, Amit Riyaan, Padmanabh, Gagan Pradeep, and Preeti Sharma, who are all set to bring this captivating story to life. Behind the scenes, Pratik Pathak’s work as the Director of Photography and Suresh Kumbhar’s expertise in makeup, hair, and art ensure a visually striking experience.
The film’s sound design by Sanket Dhotkar and re-recording by Sagar Sathe, both from Dawn Studio, enhance the auditory immersion, while Vijay Dayal of Yash Raj Films mixed the songs, promising high-quality audio. Unveiling the shadows, illuminating the secrets 🎬. Dive into the enigmatic world of ' #TheRabbitHouse ' — where every corner tells a story and every silence speaks truths.
Join us in cinemas on 20th December 2024 for a cinematic journey like no other. #CinemaLovers pic.twitter.
com/4Dh5gm1XdT The Rabbit House premieres in cinemas on December 20, 2024. With the newly released poster giving a taste of the film’s atmosphere, audiences can only anticipate the mysteries that lie within. Get ready for an unforgettable cinematic journey that will keep you on the edge of your seat!.
The Rabbit House first poster: A glimpse into an intriguing new world
The film stars a talented ensemble, including Karishma, Amit Riyaan, Padmanabh, Gagan Pradeep, and Preeti Sharma, who are all set to bring this captivating story to life