The Quiet Corner: Guaranteed results

“For truly I tell you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you”. Matthew 17:20-21


“For truly I tell you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you”. Matthew 17:20-21 When you read this in the newspaper we will have elected a new President and many officials that will attempt to lead our country. I don’t have a crystal ball but I do believe that whoever is elected, they will not do everything they promised.

I did come across the following in which I do agree with wholeheartedly. I did not write the following but I do know that these are promises that will be kept. It is called “After the election is over, we can still guarantee these results”.

1. God will still be on His throne. 2.

Jesus will still be King of Kings and Lord of Lords. 3. The Bible will still have all the answers to every problem.

4. The tomb will still be empty. 5.

Jesus will still be the only way to heaven. 6. Prayer will still work.

It will still make a difference and God will still answer prayer. 7. The cross, not the government, will still be our salvation.

8. There will still be room at the cross. 9.

Jesus will still save anyone who places their faith and trust in Him. 10. God will still be with us always.

He will never leave us or forsake us. After sharing this, we still need to pray mightily for whomever was elected. I feel sure that each candidate hopes to be able to do what they promised but life, combined with others wants and needs, just doesn’t always work that way.

Our scripture today are the words of Jesus. The mustard seed is used as a metaphor in this verse to illustrate how even a small amount of faith can have a significant impact. We may not be able to literally move a mountain but our faith is mighty.

With this faith we can pray for our elected officials to make decisions for the good. So as we go forward to the future with a new President and officials, it doesn’t matter who you voted for, what matters is that you pray, pray, pray! Think about it! PRAYER TIME: Pray for the newly elected officials. Continue to pray for all the flood victims and for those working in rescue and reconstruction efforts.

Continue to pray for our world situation. Pray for the decision makers and the military of our country. Pray for those grieving for the loss of a loved one.

Pray for those that are facing severe health issues. Pray for those that feel helpless and hopeless that they will find a place of peace. As always, pray for Israel.

Keep praying for those with the many unspoken requests, and a ray of hope for those in prison. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO: Dieter Herterich, Matt Blackburn and Lillie Grace Townsend on Nov. 7, to Janice Herblin and Elizabeth Muraro on Nov.

10, and to Ronnie Greene, Rob Garrett and Steve Walters on Nov. 11. May the Lord bless you all in His most wondrous and serendipitous way! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO: Steve and Kim Fox on Nov.

12. May the Lord bless you with many more years together. THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: “There’s nothing wrong with the younger generation that the older generations didn’t outgrow!”.