The Pearson Brothers and the Civil War

"The Pearson Brothers and the Civil War," a presentation by John Wingate Seavey, University of New Hampshire Professor Emeritus, is being sponsored by the Stratham Historical Society and Wiggin Memorial Library on Veterans Day, Monday, Nov. 11, from 7-8 p.m.


"The Pearson Brothers and the Civil War," a presentation by John Wingate Seavey, University of New Hampshire Professor Emeritus, is being sponsored by the Stratham Historical Society and Wiggin Memorial Library on Veterans Day, Monday, Nov. 11, from 7-8 p.m.

Wingate is returning for a third presentation on his historic ancestors. He will discuss the experiences of the four sons of Stratham and their experiences in many of the major Civil War battles. He will describe with photos and artifacts the contributions and sacrifices of the four sons of Samuel Moody Pearson and Elizabeth Waldron Pearson Wiggin from Stratham.

The presentation will be held in the Morgera Meeting Room, Stratham Firehouse, 4 Winnicutt Road. There is no registration required for this free program..