By Damiete Braide The Next Titan Nigeria, the country’s leading entrepreneurial reality TV show, has officially kicked off its 10th season, themed “The Unconventional.” The show, known for nurturing young entrepreneurial talent, promises to be bigger and better than ever before. The Executive Producer, Mide Akinlaja, announced that the grand prize for this season has been increased to a staggering ₦50 million, making it the largest prize in the show’s history.
To further engage viewers, a weekly trivia competition with a ₦1 million prize has been introduced. “For a decade, The Next Titan has been a catalyst for social and economic change,” Akinlaja said. “We’re committed to inspiring young Nigerians to become job creators, not just job seekers.
” Auditions for the 10th season will commence in February 2025 in Port Harcourt, Abuja, Enugu, and Lagos. Online auditions will also be available for those unable to attend in person. The selected 50 contestants will undergo rigorous training at a boot camp, where they will be mentored by top Nigerian business leaders.
The Next Titan Nigeria’s 10th season is supported by BETANO, Sifax Group, Arik Air, Lifemate Furniture, and Nikky Taurus..
The Next Titan Nigeria returns for 10th season
By Damiete Braide The Next Titan Nigeria, the country’s leading entrepreneurial reality TV show, has officially kicked off its 10th season, themed “The Unconventional.” The show, known for nurturing young entrepreneurial talent, promises to be bigger and better than ever before. The Executive Producer, Mide Akinlaja, announced that the grand prize for this season has [...]The post The Next Titan Nigeria returns for 10th season appeared first on The Sun Nigeria.