The new normal

After the first attempt to assassinate former President Donald Trump – the country is now at a point where there is a running count of the attempts on the Republican presidential candidate’s life – we questioned whether Democrats and the corporate media would cool down their unhinged and dishonest rhetoric. “This is about how far [...]


After the first attempt to assassinate former President Donald Trump – the country is now at a point where there is a running count of the attempts on the Republican presidential candidate’s life – we questioned whether Democrats and the corporate media would cool down their unhinged and dishonest rhetoric. “This is about how far the left will go to keep its base in the perpetual state of often-violent outrage that has gone unabated since Mr. Trump won the 2016 GOP nomination.

This is about whether, after a short grace period of performative condolences, Democrats and journalists will continue saying things they know aren’t true and will no doubt lead to more violence,” we wrote, questioning whether Mr. Trump’s opponents would put to bed the Hitler comparisons, the lies about Mr. Trump’s policy platform, and the long-debunked “very fine people” hoax.

We concluded, “This is about whether the attempted assassination of Donald Trump will be remembered as an escape valve from post-2015 political lunacy, or a point of no return.” Two months later, after Vice President Kamala Harris and her allies have continued to spread dangerous lies about Mr. Trump, a left-wing radical attempted to complete the mission the first would-be assassin failed to fulfill.

In other words, it seems we have our answer. Just a day before the second assassination attempt, Sen. Christopher S.

Murphy, D-Conn., falsely claimed Mr. Trump “is a candidate explicitly running on the promise of political violence.

” Immediately after the attempt was foiled, NBC anchor Lester Holt blamed Mr. Trump, attributing the shooting to what Mr. Holt called “increasingly fierce rhetoric on the campaign trail.

” Adam Kinzinger, a former Republican congressman who is now an outspoken supporter of Democrats, argued, “MAGA pretending they didn’t light this fire is gaslighting to the 100th power.” Top Democrats have since made statements nominally condemning political violence – something they do only when such violence threatens their electoral prospects, unlike when civilians were killed during the 2020 BLM riots – but the anti-Trump statements above represent the kind of rhetoric the second would-be assassin not only absorbed, but repeated verbatim. “DEMOCRACY is on the ballot and we cannot lose,” he posted on X just five months ago, dutifully repeating a talking point of the Biden-Harris White House.

His son defended his actions: “I hate this game every four years, and think that we all do, and if my father wants to be a martyr to how broken and disassociated the process has become from the real problems and practical solutions, then that’s his choice,” he told The Daily Mail. How many people agree with these men? It’s clear their words no longer represent the fringes of American leftism. Americans were told for years that Russian Facebook posts were tantamount to “election interference”; what does one call it when one side of the political divide is so thoroughly radicalized that a presidential candidate can’t be outside without gunmen aiming at his head? If he wins in November, what are the odds of Mr.

Trump serving for four years without being seriously hurt or killed? It’s important to understand that the people responsible for spreading lies about Donald Trump don’t actually believe he’s the second coming of Hitler. That’s why, just last week, President Biden was filmed donning a Trump hat while sporting a Cheshire Cat grin. It’s why Vice President Harris said she’s “thankful” Mr.

Trump is safe. But the first would-be assassin is dead, the second one may spend decades in prison, and millions of Americans have been radicalized – all because Democrats value political power over the mental health and physical safety of their own base. They and their unofficial spokespeople in corporate newsrooms refuse to behave with a modicum of responsibility, even if it means ruining or even ending the life of another one of their most dedicated and impressionable followers.

Even if it means inspiring an event that would threaten to destroy the political system they claim to want to protect..