premiered on BBC on Tuesday night, and follows an English teacher called Claire who becomes obsessed with hearing a quiet humming noise that no one else but her student Kyle can hear. In the show, Claire attempts to understand what is happening with her student, giving him a lift in her car as they discuss the situation. However, the pair are clearly aware that the situation is inappropriate, with Kyle hiding in the car as people walk past the car.
Taking to X, formerly known as Twitter, one person wrote: "A teacher and a pupil would never be alone like that these days. Who wrote this rubbish?" Another person wrote: "#TheListeners a teacher would have a much better awareness of safeguarding and not being alone with a pupil." A third person added: "#TheListeners she needs a third party present if she's going to talk to a pupil about this.
" The synopsis for the new show, which was filmed in Greater Manchester, reads: "This seemingly innocuous noise gradually upsets the balance of her life, increasing tension between herself and her husband, Paul, and daughter, Ashley. "But despite multiple doctors, no obvious source or medical cause can be found. But when she discovers that a student of hers, Kyle, can also hear the sound, the two strike up an unlikely and intimate friendship.
"Finding themselves increasingly isolated from their families, friends and colleagues, they fall in with a disparate group of neighbours, led by a charismatic couple, Jo and Omar, who also claim they can hear The Hum – and who believe it could be a gift, heard only by a 'chosen few'." Speaking about the show, executive producer Ed Guiney said: "When we first read Jordan’s book we were immediately captured by his extraordinary prose and ability to weave the complexities of themes of community, conspiracy, and faith through such beautifully rendered, achingly real characters. You may also like "We are thrilled to have the brilliant Janicza Bravo directing, and to be working with the BBC again along with our partners at Fremantle on this truly special series.
" Director of BBC Drama Lindsay Salt added: "The Listeners is a captivating story that has been brought to life in this gripping adaptation which interweaves a feeling of the unknown with the need for human connectivity. I’m thrilled to be working with Jordan, Janicza and Element Pictures and can’t wait for viewers to see this remarkable drama.".
The Listeners viewers spot major issue with new BBC drama
The new series premiered on BBC One - but viewers made the same comment about it