The health benefits of a five-minute evening walk

A short stroll late in the day is likely to have a positive impact on your body.


From cutting the risk of bowel cancer to lowering your chances of diabetes, a short stroll late in the day can have a positive impact. An evening stroll is not something that is at the forefront of our minds. In Italy , la passeggiata (a leisurely walk with no specified destination) is woven into daily routine.

But dark, cold and wet weather is enough to stop people elsewhere contemplating a needless trip outside. However, the evidence is stacking up in support of incorporating a walk, the most popular form of physical activity, into our evenings. Research published this week suggests that being active at 6pm can lower our risk of bowel cancer .

It adds to piles of studies which show that walking, especially after eating, can improve digestion, regulate blood sugar, lower blood pressure, and aid weight loss..