The great garden centre rip-off: How much for a tuna sandwich?

Hello, police please. I’d like to report a mugging. Broad daylight, last Saturday, in the cafe of a well-known High Street store. What was stolen? £17 from my good person - the cost of two tuna sandwiches and two soft drinks.


Hello, police please. I’d like to report a mugging. Broad daylight, last Saturday, in the cafe of a well-known High Street store.

What was stolen? £17 from my good person - the cost of two tuna sandwiches and two soft drinks. You hear about society going to hell in a wonky supermarket trolley but the collapse of all we hold dear does not hit home till it is there in black and white, printed on a receipt. £5.

95 for a sandwich. It is bad enough a fancy coffee now sets you back a fiver in some establishments. It was partly my fault.

I was in a rush, did not have the right specs on, so couldn’t see the price when I picked up the sarnies. How bad could it be, I asked myself. £5.

95 bad was the answer. I could have cancelled the order when the chap at the till delivered the bad news , but the queue behind me was already out the door and growing more fractious by the minute. As cafe-related scandals go it was almost as outrageous as the afternoon tea I had at a garden centre last month, complete with £4.

50 for a slice of Victoria Sponge. A pal with a Christmas voucher paid for that but I was outraged on Santa’s behalf. How can anyone afford to go out for a meal when a simple sandwich and a drink cost so much? I was only feeding one child (albeit she’s 31 and has a job).

How do people with more weans manage? We were not the only victims in this localised crime wave: the woman at the next table had a scone and a small pot of tea - £7. She tipped me the wink about a place n.