The exact time parts of London will be hit by thunderstorms as warning issued

The Met Office has issued a yellow weather warning for thunderstorms across parts of London, see where.


The warning is in place from 12pm to 8pm on Friday, September 20 and is expected to hit much of west London and parts of Greater London. The Met Office is sharing that while much of the UK will remain dry, areas affected by thunderstorms will face heavy showers that could create local disruption. They add that you should expect some damage to buildings from lightning strikes and that driving conditions could be impacted.

Yellow warning of thunderstorm affecting London & South East England pic.twitter.

com/zevZwJdMaA The Met Office adds that you should prepare and expect the following due to the yellow weather warning: Discussing the weather warning, the Met Office shares: "A few thundery showers may be present across southern and southeast England early on Friday, but from the middle of the day they are expected to develop more widely within the warning area. "Whilst some places will remain dry, where thundery showers do occur, they will bring frequent lightning, gusty winds, potentially some large hail, as well as brief spells of heavy rain. (function (d, s, n) { var js, fjs = d.

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Showers will tend to ease and fade during Friday evening." Explaining what to do, the Met Office says if you are expecting flash flooding, you should prepare your flood plan and an emergency flood kit..