When sanitizing your kitchen, you're probably doing things like wiping off the stove, , scrubbing down the sink, and paying close attention to food prep surfaces, but there's one spot many often overlook. It's a high-traffic area for hands — but not necessarily for food. Give up? It's the light switch.
When you think about it, people are constantly in and out of rooms, flipping the light switch absentmindedly, but hands are where germs are easily transmitted from one surface to another. So whether you're or at home, don't forget to give your kitchen's light switches some careful cleaning consideration too. Think about how quickly you can go from flipping that light switch to prepping food; it only takes a few moments to touch that high-trafficked surface before you start chopping stuff up.
But don't go spraying the switch with reckless abandon just yet; you'll need to go about this reasonably so you don't cause any potential electrical issues in your household. How to clean your light switches If you're finally ready to start cleaning your light switches, avoid spraying them with your cleaning solution, as the liquid can seep through the cracks and potentially cause a nasty electrical situation in the wall. This is extremely rare, but still good to keep in mind.
Instead, lightly dampen your cleaning rag with your disinfectant of choice, and then start rubbing the switch down carefully, making sure the rag isn't so soaked to the point where it's dripping. Most light switches have nooks and crannies to them, so if you want to be thorough, you can even employ a cotton swab to get into those hard-to-reach, grooved areas. Then you can either let your work air dry, or to speed up the process, you can use a clean cloth and wipe the switch down quickly.
Really, it's not that much of a pain, but kitchen switches can get pretty grimy since you're in that room specifically to grab stuff to eat, sometimes with your bare hands. So when it comes to sanitizing some of , just add this one extra task to your to-do list. Thankfully, it's not a lot of work, but you can eliminate some potential cross-contamination with this one little step.
The Dirty Spot In Your Kitchen That You Probably Never Thought To Clean
Getting your kitchen perfectly clean requires looking beyond the sink and stove. There is one super dirty spot that you've probably overlooked.