The Decadent Costco Hot Dog Hack That Might Beat All Others

Avid Costco fans have their favorite dining tricks to amp up the beloved $1.50 hot dog. This decadent Costco hot dog hack from Reddit might beat the rest.


The Costco food court is a beloved part of the American fast-food dining landscape, and the $1.50 hot dog combo is the stuff of legend. But the store abounds with culinary possibilities, including quick little hacks to take the already great hot dog to the next level.

According to one Reddit user, the best example yet is a croissant bun. On the Costco subreddit , a user posted a photo of the hot dog nestled in a decadently buttery Costco croissant, sliced in half like a hot dog bun. Costco food courts don't (yet) offer croissants as a bun option; they are sold separately elsewhere in the store.

But the incredible taste is worth a little extra effort. "It tasted like a pig in a blanket but more flakey and buttery," the user said, and also pointed out that this croissant hack only increases the price of each hot dog by 50 cents — although, since Costco's croissants are only sold by the dozen, you will have 11 remaining croissants to eat. There are worse problems to have.

Stacking The Croissant With Other Costco Hot Dog Hacks Costco's croissants are almost as popular as the food court hot dog combo, and there are so many things you can do with the remaining 11 from your dozen. Notably, you can try other hot dog hacks. The croissant merely serves as the bun, which can take any toppings that would have gone on a traditional bun.

In the original poster's Reddit thread, another user suggested rolling the croissant hot dog up in a slice of Costco pizza, a buttery twist on the classic pizza & hot dog combo . This also calls to mind the infamous Forbidden Glizzy – a hot dog stuffed inside a Costco chicken bake, which is a stick of chicken, cheese, Caesar dressing, and bacon, all wrapped and baked in dough. A Forbidden Glizzy Croissant may be taking decadence to the next level, especially with the croissant's considerably high saturated fat content .

But why not dream big when you're stuffing a hot dog inside of what is essentially a bacon chicken Caesar breadstick?.